
We can assist you with FileMaker development. We'll create a brand new application, refresh an older app, or simply provide you with a "Saleability Review" of an app idea or file.

Plus, we'll work with you on the following:

  1. Marketing & Sales Plan
  2. Website Design & Deployment
  3. FileMaker Hosting
  4. AdWords Account
  5. MailChimp Account
  6. Email Marketing Planning and Implementation

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Available Now on Amazon and Kindle

You can order your copy of Easy Apps! from Amazon or download it immediately to your Kindle.
Click here for more information.

Here's What People Are Saying

“You are helping me take my marketing and promotional services to the next higher level.”
– Mark Peterson, MN Field Test Library
“I love the book! You convinced me that FileMaker is great, and you wrote so clearly for people who want to start a business as a developer.”
– Angela
“HighPower Data solutions finished a project for me in no time that has empowered me to accomplish a normally burdensome task in no time and with accuracy.”
– Aaron Parish, NHBC